Contact us | Curtin Remote Sensing & Satellite Research Group

Contact us

You can find us at:
Curtin University
School of Earth and Planetary Sciences
Bentley Campus, 1 Kent street
Building 301
Bentley (Perth), WA 6102, Australia

Browse and download the detailed Curtin campus map here.

Bldg 301, South view/entrance Bldg 301, East view/entrance Bldg 301, North view/entrance

Or send us an email:


Options to get funded for research in Australia:

When the RSSRG has specific funding for new positions, they are normally advertised broadly.
However, appropriately qualified researchers can also apply to a number of competitive funding schemes for individual fellowships, as proposed by Australian funding agencies, such as (non exhaustively):

- Forrest Research Foundation Scholarships and Fellowships (here)
- Australian Research Council (ARC) Discovery Early Career Research Awards (DECRA)

- Australian Research Council (ARC) Future Fellowships (FT)
- Australian Research Council (ARC) Laureate Fellowships (LE)


More about the Perth area:

Perth is known as one of the most livable cities in the Word, and Western Australia is full of resources for those who want to explore.

Get to know more about Perth at, for instance:

Perth Panorama Kings Park

IMG 3514

Remote Sensing and Satellite Research Group, Curtin University, Bentley, WA 6102
© RSSRG 2017-2021 Site map here